Disclaimer: Do not read if you're allergic to tears because I shed a tear or two
Heyyyy my lovely people, it's your favorite navigator that doesn't know what she's navigating and guess what guyssss, I'm officially a graduateeee!!!!!
A navigator, a graduate and a queen, wife me up now that I'm still semi- hot oh.
Another disclaimer: This episode is for people starting a new journey
Change is constant and is bound to happen everytime and if you're confused like me on the next step of life, I think this is for you so sit back and sip your chivita for this.
Oops out of Chivita guys sorry…….
What's next after your graduation from the higher institution and now I'm not even talking book wise and as my landlord has given us eviction notice what's next oh, I'm talking life wise
For the past four years that I have used in this school, I got accustomed to the norms, the people, the way of life and everything that came with this environment and lifestyle and now that it's all over and everyone is starting a new journey are you telling me that I'd have to go to someplace else and get accustomed to everything about it then leave again after a while, the idea sounds crazyyyy but it's just the way things work and everything changes constantly and you as a person have to keep up with the change even if it's going to cause a bit of hurt but the sweet thing is that you get to meet amazing people and have the best best experiences with this people
Speaking of amazing people, my school gave me the best best people and I am really grateful for these people because they taught me how to love, how to get by life, how to have fun and how to just make the most of your time with them and it pains me so much that I have to say goodbye to these people because of such great memories and you guys might say I'm too dramatic but when everyone is going about their lives I'm not sure they'd even have the time to remember to text constantly or call constantly because it can't be the same as it was so this episode is dedicated to my friends and loved ones
" Dear friend, I am so glad and grateful to God for your being in my life.
I would forever cherish the memories and good times that I got to create with you
We're moving on to the next stage of our lives and we might not be too sure of what it is yet or how we're going to accomplish and conquer that stage but I'm sure we will and when we do we're all going to be there to witness it.
I love you so so much and I also love you for loving me, thank you for being my friend"
Xoxo ✨💗
So send this to your friend that was there with you throughout your school years and let them know that you'd never forget them and you're so happy that you met them.
Guyssss back to me please, your navigator is looking for work ohhh because now that I'm officially a graduate, I'd have to feed my baby and my child ohhh, thanks and God bless
Till next time guys✨💗
I pray God gives you the profound wisdom in learning to navigate the remaining chapters of your life on this earth.
This gave me mixed feelings mehn 🥺💗
So good 👍🏾